It safeguards the memory of those who were slaughtered and teaches future generations about the unspeakable horrors.
Many people think that if they’ve visited it once then there’s no point in going again – but they are so wrong. The area that Yad Vashem covers both physically and emotionally, is vast and there are new exhibits constantly being organized.
On a recent visit I saw the shul/ synagogue.
Apart from being used for regular prayers it is also used for people who want a place to say Kaddish, or to sit down and pray after an emotional visit.
It contains various items of Judaica from shuls all over Europe including four Arks for storing the Sifrei Torah which all came from Rumania and were procured for Yad Vashem with the help of Rumanian government.
Next door to the shul is a new exhibit to honor the Righteous Amongst the Nations who saved Jews during the Holocaust.
Inside there are five areas with seating to watch different films depicting the different ways in which people were saved, including those who took in children and returned them to the Jewish authorities after the war, those who hid families in cellars, countries where someone in the the government intervened and rescued them and those where both the Jews and the non-Jews were discovered by the Nazis and killed.
The stories are both fascinating and very moving and shed a new light on the history of Jews saved by Gentiles.
We then visited the new Learning Centre also known as the “Center for Major Questions Arising from the Holocaust,” which attempts to discuss and give opinions on the many theological, societal and military questions raised by the Holocaust.
Some are just not answerable, i.e. Why did G’d let the Holocaust happen, but are still discussed. Others are given a selection of answers from various appropriate people / authorities, i.e. Why did the Allied Air Force not bomb the tracks to Auschwitz.
Yad Vashem has also launched a new more urgent collection of personal items that are, or were, in the possession of survivors. Our guide told us many stories of items that children of survivors thought were of not much interest, but for others provided an only link to their parents/ grandparents who perished.
Yad Vashem works very hard to trace people ( or their descendents) mentioned in letters/ notebooks or identified on photos it receives.
As Eli Wiesel once said- Anyone who listens to a witness, becomes a witness himself.
We didn't visit when we were in Israel but hopefully next time there'll be more time. Having said that, I'm afraid I'm a coward when it comes to visiting these kinds of memorials. It may be the embarrassment of crying in public or if I'm more honest, I just can't bear the pain. You say there's no answer but I still need one. Why did Hashem let it happen?
I can't give an answer, but I would say that the question hurts so much because for us it's more recent and we know people who were killed.
But we could ask the same about the Spanish Inquisition,(that lasted about 300 years) being slaves in Egypt etc.
They say in this world there are no answers.
In the next world there will be no questions.(because it will be so clear to us)
Personally I feel such a strong obligation to know as much as possible so as to be able to pass it on to the next generations for whom it will be 'just' history and no first-hand accounts.
This is great!
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